Southern Maine Water Filters


 We specialize in providing you and your family clean, healthy drinking water with expert installation and quality service of water treatment systems.


Get to Know Us

We’re a small, family-owned team located in Southern Maine! We have over 30 years of experience in plumbing, heating, and construction and are now offering water treatment services. We will provide you with the highest quality work in a timely fashion and have the knowledge, training, and expertise to serve homes of any size. Our service area covers Bangor to York and beyond. Reach out to us for a free in-home or remote quote or to schedule a water test!


 About Maine Well Water

Did you know that more than 50% of Maine residents rely on a private well for their drinking water? It’s important to have your well water tested, and if needed, filtered through a water treatment system that addresses your home’s specific needs. Learn more below about the various health concerns, aesthetic issues, and well water testing recommendations in Maine.

  • Common chemicals that can be found in Maine well water include arsenic, lead, radon, and uranium. These harmful contaminants can cause a host of health issues such as brain damage, blood or kidney problems, or cancer. In addition to chemical contaminants, bacterial contaminants are also known to cause health issues. Because you can’t see, taste, or smell these contaminants, it’s important to have your well water tested regularly to be sure your water is safe for your family to drink.

  • Aesthetic issues like hard water, acidic pH levels, iron, manganese, and sulfates can be unpleasant to deal with on a daily basis. You may be able to see, taste, or smell these issues in your water. While these contaminants don’t necessarily cause health issues, they can be troublesome for appliances like your sinks, toilets, dishwasher, washing machine, and heating system. Be sure to have a basic water test performed annually to check the levels of these aesthetic contaminants.

  • You should have a basic water test completed each year to test for bacteria, nitrates, and other aesthetic issues like pH and iron. A standard water test is recommended every 5 years to test for chemicals like arsenic, lead, radon, and uranium. If you notice a change in your water, have any work done on your well, or are expecting a baby, you should have a standard water test completed sooner than 5 years to be sure your water is safe to drink.

water softener

Our Services

We specialize in providing you and your family clean, healthy drinking water with expert installation and quality service of water treatment systems.

We will start by testing your well water – or using recent results provided by you – and recommending water treatment solutions based on your test results. We have treatment solutions for all of the common water concerns including: hardness, iron, acidic pH levels, bacteria, nitrates, manganese, sulfates, arsenic, lead, radon, and uranium.

Think of all the ways you use water in your home: drinking water, brushing teeth, cleaning dishes, cooking food, doing laundry, washing hands, showering and taking baths. Ensure your family has clean, healthy water – contact us today!


We are here to help!

For questions, a free in-home or remote quote, or to schedule a water test, please fill out a form or give us a call. We promise to get back to you within one business day.